Photographs by, left, Marsha Miller/University of Texas, Austin; right, John Kappelman
A replica of the fossil found in a quarry in Turkey, right. A stylus points to lesions from tuberculosis.
In the disease-scarred bones of a Homo erectus from Turkey, scientists have found evidence of a peril that human ancestors encountered in their migrations out of Africa: tuberculosis.
Paleontologists examining small lesions etched inside the 500,000-year-old skull said this was the earliest known sign of a form of tuberculosis that attacks the meninges, the membranes surrounding the brain. Previously, the earliest physical traces of TB were only a few thousand years old, in mummies from Egypt and pre-Columbian Peru.
The discovery was not surprising, as recent genetic research has indicated that TB pathogens existed in the time of protohuman species. And the Peruvian evidence showed that the disease was introduced into the Americas from Asia, perhaps as much as 15,000 years ago.
But the discovery’s importance, scientists say, is the support it gives to the theory that dark-skinned people who migrate out of tropical climates tend to have lower levels of vitamin D, a condition that can adversely affect the immune system as well as the skeleton.
While the presumably dark skin of human ancestors protected them from the intense ultraviolet radiation from the African sun, the adaptation became a liability when they moved into the temperate latitudes of Eurasia, as the pigment melanin blocked much of the attenuated sunlight. The reduction of absorbed vitamin D from sunlight compromised their immune systems.
The findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Physical Anthropology by a team of American, Turkish and German researchers led by John Kappelman, a geologist and paleontologist at the University of Texas, Austin.
Dr. Kappelman said in a telephone interview that the lesions near the base of the cranium were “dead ringers” for bone scars seen in modern specimens as a result of Leptomeningitis tuberculosa, the bacterium that causes a fatal disease of the brain not as common as the one that attacks the lungs. The analysis was made by Michael Schultz, an anatomist at Göttingen University in Germany.
Calling the discovery “fantastic and significant,” Nina G. Jablonski, an anthropologist at Penn State, agreed that it provided strong support for the relationship of skin color to vitamin D deficiencies. She was not involved in the discovery but has made an extensive study of the dark skin-vitamin relationship in modern humans.
In Africa, Dr. Jablonski noted, sunlight is so strong that even with dark skins as protection against its deleterious effects, enough light is absorbed to provide high levels of vitamin D. The risk of vitamin D deprivation increased as dark-skinned people moved to temperate zones, then as now. In the ancestral migrations, she said, it probably took hundreds of generations for immigrants to evolve lighter skins for absorbing more sunlight.
Homo erectus is widely believed to be among the first hominids to leave Africa, and Turkey was probably one of their avenues of travel. But the specimen studied by Dr. Kappelman’s team was the first early hominid to be found in Turkey. It was uncovered more than two years ago in a travertine quarry near Denizli, in western Turkey.
Dr. Kappelman conceded that in the absence of a full skeleton, there might be some dispute that this is a Homo erectus and not some slightly more evolved hominid species.
But the skull has erectus characteristics, he said, and appeared to be that of a young male.
The scientists said the shape and location of the lesions linked them to TB. The tiny disease bumps pressed on the membrane and that pressed against the bone, leaving the impressions. The fact that the lesions had time to leave imprints suggested to scientists that the TB was not especially virulent, probably afflicting the victim with an illness that lingered months before death.
In their journal article, the researchers said that the new evidence “permits us to speculate that a case of TB was exacerbated by the reduced level of ultraviolet radiation encountered during the expansion of a low-latitude population of dark-skinned Homo into temperate Turkey.”
The researchers further pointed out that this was not likely to be the earliest case of tuberculosis in hominid ancestors or their close kin, apes and other primates, which are also afflicted by forms of TB.