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Dangerous staph bacteria all from one group: study

This 2005 scanning electron micrograph depicts clumps of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, or MRSA. One single strain of bacteria is causing most cases of drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus found outside hospitals in the United States, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.

One single strain of bacteria is causing most cases of drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus found outside hospitals in the United States, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.

The USA300 strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA is extraordinarily contagious and robust, the U.S. government researchers said.

"Our study confirms that a single strain, called USA300, of community-associated MRSA is responsible for many of the devastating infections which have spread rapidly across the United States in recent years," said Dr. James Musser of The Methodist Hospital Research Institute in Houston.

Staphylococcus, or staph for short, is a very common bacteria that causes pimples, boils and, occasionally, life-threatening infections.

Drug-resistant forms have become more common and in October, a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that MRSA killed an estimated 19,000 Americans in 2005.

It found that 85 percent of them were infected in hospitals but a form found in schools, gyms and other public places is becoming more common too.

In one study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found the samples of the USA300 strain of MRSA were all nearly identical genetically.

"The USA300 group of strains appears to have extraordinary transmissibility and fitness," said Dr. Frank DeLeo of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana.

"We anticipate that new USA300 derivatives will emerge within the next several years and that these strains will have a wide range of disease-causing potential."

In a second report, published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, researchers found community-acquired MRSA was becoming more common but was not especially dangerous, despite its drug-resistant abilities.

"Our research shows that CA-MRSA has emerged as the most common cause of abscesses among otherwise healthy patients coming to the emergency department across the country," said Dr. Daniel Pallin of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Children's Hospital in Boston.

"While the increasing numbers of infections suggest that we are seeing an epidemic, it is an epidemic of mild illness for the most part, and reports of deadly complications are the exception more than the rule," Pallin added in a statement.

Pallin said his team found that that visits to U.S. emergency departments for skin infections almost tripled, from 1.2 million in 1993, to 3.4 million in 2005. But they noted that MRSA was easily treated.

"Community-associated MRSA is not a deadly super bug," said Dr. David Talan of the University of California Los Angeles, who wrote a commentary on the findings. "It is more like an aggressive honeybee: more apt to sting, but only rarely fatal."


Giant newt, tiny frog identified as most at risk

A Gardiner's Seychelles frog rests on a thumb in this undated handout. A giant Chinese salamander that predates Tyrannosaurus rex and the world's smallest frog are among a group of extremely rare amphibians identified by scientists as being in need of urgent help to survive.

A giant Chinese salamander that predates Tyrannosaurus rex and the world's smallest frog are among a group of extremely rare amphibians identified by scientists on Monday as being in need of urgent help to survive.

The Olm, a blind salamander that can survive for 10 years without food, and a purple frog that spends most of its life four meters underground are also among the 10 most endangered amphibians drawn up by the Zoological Society of London.

"These species are the 'canaries in the coalmine' -- they are highly sensitive to factors such as climate change and pollution, which lead to extinction, and are a stark warning of things to come," said EDGE head Jonathan Baillie.

EDGE, which stands for Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered, is a project set up a year ago to identify and start to protect some of nature's most weird and wonderful creatures.

"The EDGE amphibians are amongst the most remarkable and unusual species on the planet and yet an alarming 85 percent of the top 100 are receiving little or no conservation attention," said the project's amphibians chief Helen Meredith.

While last year's launch focused on at risk mammals, this year the focus shifted to neglected amphibians.

"These animals may not be cute and cuddly, but hopefully their weird looks and bizarre behaviors will inspire people to support their conservation," Meredith added.

Not only are the target species unique, the project itself is breaking new ground by using the internet at www.zsl.org/edge to highlight threatened creatures and encourage the public to sponsor conservation.

Global warming and human depredation of habitat are cited as root causes of the problem facing the creatures from the massive to the minute.

The Chinese giant salamander, a distant relative of the newt, can grow up to 1.8 meters in length while the tiny Gardiner's Seychelles frog when full grown is only the size of a drawing pin.

Also on this year's list is the limbless Sagalla caecilian, South African ghost frogs, lungless Mexican salamanders, the Malagasy rainbow frog, Chile's Darwin frog and the Betic midwife toad whose male carries fertilized eggs on its hind legs.

"Tragically, amphibians tend to be the overlooked members of the animal kingdom, even though one in every three amphibian species is currently threatened with extinction, a far higher proportion than that of bird or mammal species," said EDGE's Baillie.

Milk and Honey, er, Hormones

Pennsylvania changes course and allows farmers to alert consumers that they do—or don't—ply their dairy cows with hormones
GOT HORMONES?: In Pennsylvania, the milk industry gag order on listing artificial hormones has been lifted. 

Bowing to pressure from consumer advocates, Pennsylvania officials have dropped plans to bar farmers from revealing whether or not milk hails from hormone-enhanced cows. The state's agriculture department on Thursday issued new guidelines that allow dairies to label milk so that customers know if it was produced from cows pumped with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) also known as recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST).

The move comes less than two weeks before a February 1 ban was set to take effect that would have barred dairies in the Keystone State from slapping certain labels on milk products, including "from cows not treated with growth hormone rBST'' and "free of artificial growth hormones."

''This is a victory for free speech, free markets, sustainable farming and the consumer's right to know," Michael Hansen, a senior scientist with the Consumers Union (CU), said about the state's about-face. "Consumers increasingly want to know more about how their food is produced and, particularly, whether it is produced in a natural and sustainable manner. There is no justification for prohibiting information about rBGH use on a milk label.''

He added that the state should be applauded for "realizing that its initial regulation prohibiting such labeling was flawed and for reversing its position.''

The fabricated hormone, marketed by agricultural giant Monsanto, is a synthetic version of a natural one found in cows and is designed to boost their milk output by a gallon or more daily. Consumers in recent years have increasingly gone organic, seeking brands of milk from dairies that nix artificial hormones. According to Consumers Union, use of the faux growth agent has been declining in recent years, dipping from 22.3 percent of all U.S. dairy cows in 2002 to 17.2 percent last year.

The Food and Drug Administration has ruled that the synthetic hormone is safe, but not all experts agree. The CU and other health advocates in this country and abroad are wary of its potential effects on humans, and its use is prohibited in Canada and the European Union.

Many farmers in Pennsylvania and other states have vowed not to use rBGH in their milk products, a claim which in some cases fetches higher prices. The new rules will allow them to continue advertising their fare as free of artificial hormones, but requires them to document their claims--a safeguard applauded by consumer advocates. (Dairies are barred from labeling milk as containing no growth hormones, because cows produce some naturally.)

Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports, was among a coalition of some 65 organizations that sent a letter to Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell protesting the proposed label ban. In a statement released Thursday, he said "The public has a right to complete information about how the milk they buy is produced."

The coalition is currently fighting similar bans that are being mulled by other states, including Washington State, Missouri and Ohio.

Are Urban Vermin the Most Disease-Ridden Animals?

Infections carried by animals are a rising threat—and those who work with livestock may have the most to fear 

DIRTY BIRD: Despite their unsavory reputation, pigeons are much less likely to spread disease than chickens.

In many cities, pigeons—to take one urban animal—are reviled as flying vermin. They whitewash ledges and pick at filthy crumbs in the gutter. And, yes, these, dubbed by some as "rats with wings," do carry diseases that humans can catch. But so do innumerable wild creatures outside city limits, the animals we eat—even our beloved pets.

Pigeons are guilty of transmitting fungal and bacterial diseases, primarily via their droppings, which pose the greatest risk to those with weakened immune systems. But cast against the recent spread of infectious zoonotic diseases—such as H5N1 bird flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)—experts question the degree of concern over the disease-bearing potential of the birds that have colonized cities the world over.

In principle, any animal can carry a disease that humans could catch. But Marm Kilpatrick, an ecologist at the Consortium for Conservation Medicine in New York City, which studies human-induced environmental change, species health and biodiversity, wrote in an e-mail: "In reality, the vast majority [about 99.999 percent] of pathogens that are carried by animals won't infect people."

Even so, zoonotic diseases represent a growing proportion of emerging infectious diseases; two British studies calculated that about 75 percent of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic. (By comparison, about 60 percent of all human pathogens can infect animals.)

Real rats (the ground-hugging kind) aren't innocent by any means: Research links them with the reemergence of bubonic plague and typhus. But bats (of whom "winged rats" is more apropos) may be giving the unpopular rodents a run for their infamous reputation. Long associated with rabies, bats gained new notoriety in the 1990s after outbreaks of the Hendra and Nipah viruses killed both humans and livestock in Australia and Southeast Asia, respectively. A few years later SARS terrified the world by taking flight on commercial airlines. The virus left a trail leading back to the live animal markets in China, first to civet cats and subsequently to bats, the latter vector now believed to be the true starting point for the virus.

And, despite increasing urbanization throughout the world, people and wildlife are sharing more infections. In the Hendra and Nipah outbreaks, habitat fragmentation and increased contact between wild bats and domestic animals have been implicated. Bushmeat, particularly that of our close cousins the chimpanzee, has caused Ebola outbreaks in Africa.

In the U.S., prairie dog owners caught monkey pox from their pets. And the reforestation of Northeastern states over the past century has allowed deer populations to boom, spreading Lyme disease.

By comparison, pigeons' potential for spreading bird flu seems rather minimal. So far most of nearly 220 human deaths caused by the pathogenic H5N1 strain of bird flu have been traced to contact with poultry. And the strain has yet to arrive in North America. If a similar one were to emerge here, the result could be disastrous for industrial farm workers before anyone else, according to Gregory Gray, director of the University of Iowa's Center for Emerging Diseases.

"Exposure to domestic birds has changed markedly," he says. In the nation's confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs)—the industrial operations that have replaced family farms with at minimum 9,000-chicken or 750–large pig facilities—agricultural workers spend much more time in close contact with animals than a farmer would have 50 years ago.

These are potentially the mixing pots for the next flu pandemic, Gray argues. When an outbreak occurs undetected in a facility, viruses can mutate as they cycle through large flocks or herds. Gray and his colleagues have shown farmers, veterinarians and meat processors all had high swine influenza infection rates, and avian veterinarians carry more bird flu.

In 1983 a low-grade bird flu virus, perhaps left by ducks, spread into chicken warehouses in Pennsylvania. There, it mutated from a minor infection to become what Robert Webster, the virologist at the scene, called "Ebola for chickens."

This outbreak took two years and the destruction of 17 million birds to control. Webster links some of its spread to New York City's live bird markets, where chickens are packed into cages in close quarters with ducks and geese, natural carriers of bird flu.

Webster believes these markets pose a greater risk than CAFOs in the developed world where so-called "biosecurity" procedures to keep diseases out have been tightened since the emergence of H5N1. "Live bird markets are the breeding place for all pandemic strains in my opinion," he says, and, despite attempts to purge it, avian influenza continues to show up in American live bird markets.

But for those whose daily animal interaction doesn't extend beyond shooing squirrels or feeding the dog, the prospect of zoonotic disease shouldn't keep them awake at night. "Most people should be more afraid to walk into a doctor's office during flu season," says Pennsylvania State University avian pathologist Patty Dunn.

As for pigeons: research has shown that even those infected with bird flu actually transmit very little. And they carry so little West Nile virus in their bloodstreams that they are unlikely to infect mosquitoes who could then infect humans, Kilpatrick says, making the birds more likely to slow an epidemic than spread one.

The Coming Revolutions in Particle Physics

The current Standard Model of particle physics begins to unravel when probed much beyond the range of current particle accelerators. So no matter what the Large Hadron Collider finds, it is going to take physics into new territory

Vitruvian Man Studying the world with a resolution a billion times finer than atomic scales, particle physicists seek a deeper understanding of the everyday world and the evolution of the universe.

If you look deep inside a lump of matter, it is made up of only a few types of elementary particles, drawn from a palette of a dozen flavors. The Standard Model treats the particles as geometrical points; sizes shown here reflect their masses.

When physicists are forced to give a single-word answer to the question of why we are building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), we usually reply “Higgs.” The Higgs particle—the last remaining undiscovered piece of our current theory of matter—is the marquee attraction. But the full story is much more interesting. The new collider provides the greatest leap in capability of any instrument in the history of particle physics. We do not know what it will find, but the discoveries we make and the new puzzles we encounter are certain to change the face of particle physics and to echo through neighboring sciences.

In this new world, we expect to learn what distinguishes two of the forces of nature—electromagnetism and the weak interactions—with broad implications for our conception of the everyday world. We will gain a new understanding of simple and profound questions: Why are there atoms? Why chemistry? What makes stable structures possible?

The search for the Higgs particle is a pivotal step, but only the first step. Beyond it lie phenomena that may clarify why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces of nature and that could reveal what the unknown dark matter that fills the universe is. Even deeper lies the prospect of insights into the different forms of matter, the unity of outwardly distinct particle categories and the nature of spacetime. The questions in play all seem linked to one another and to the knot of problems that motivated the prediction of the Higgs particle to begin with. The LHC will help us refine these questions and will set us on the road to answering them.

The Matter at Hand
What physicists call the “Standard Model” of particle physics, to indicate that it is still a work in progress, can explain much about the known world. The main elements of the Standard Model fell into place during the heady days of the 1970s and 1980s, when waves of landmark experimental discoveries engaged emerging theoretical ideas in productive conversation. Many particle physicists look on the past 15 years as an era of consolidation in contrast to the ferment of earlier decades. Yet even as the Standard Model has gained ever more experimental support, a growing list of phenomena lies outside its purview, and new theoretical ideas have expanded our conception of what a richer and more comprehensive worldview might look like. Taken together, the continuing progress in experiment and theory point to a very lively decade ahead. Perhaps we will look back and see that revolution had been brewing all along.

Our current conception of matter comprises two main particle categories, quarks and leptons, together with three of the four known fundamental forces, electromagnetism and the strong and weak interactions. Gravity is, for the moment, left to the side. Quarks, which make up protons and neutrons, generate and feel all three forces. Leptons, the best known of which is the electron, are immune to the strong force. What distinguishes these two categories is a property akin to electric charge, called color. (This name is metaphorical; it has nothing to do with ordinary colors.) Quarks have color, and leptons do not.

The guiding principle of the Standard Model is that its equations are symmetrical. Just as a sphere looks the same whatever your viewing angle is, the equations remain unchanged even when you change the perspective from which they are defined. Moreover, they remain unchanged even when the perspective shifts by different amounts at different points in space and time.

Ensuring the symmetry of a geometric object places very tight constraints on its shape. A sphere with a bump no longer looks the same from every angle. Likewise, the symmetry of the equations places very tight constraints on them. These symmetries beget forces that are carried by special particles called bosons [see “Gauge Theories of the Forces between Elementary Particles,” by Gerard ’t Hooft; Scientific American, June 1980, and “Elementary Particles and Forces,” by Chris Quigg; Scientific American, April 1985].

In this way, the Standard Model inverts Louis Sullivan’s architectural dictum: instead of “form follows function,” function follows form. That is, the form of the theory, expressed in the symmetry of the equations that define it, dictates the function—the interactions among particles—that the theory describes. For instance, the strong nuclear force follows from the requirement that the equations describing quarks must be the same no matter how one chooses to define quark colors (and even if this convention is set independently at each point in space and time). The strong force is carried by eight particles known as gluons. The other two forces, electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, fall under the rubric of the “electroweak” forces and are based on a different symmetry. The electroweak forces are carried by a quartet of particles: the photon, Z boson, W+ boson and W– boson.

Breaking the Mirror
The theory of the electroweak forces was formulated by Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam, who won the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for their efforts. The weak force, which is involved in radioactive beta decay, does not act on all the quarks and leptons. Each of these particles comes in mirror-image varieties, termed left-handed and right-handed, and the beta-decay force acts only on the left-handed ones—a striking fact still unexplained 50 years after its discovery. The family symmetry among the left-handed particles helps to define the electroweak theory.

In the initial stages of its construction, the theory had two essential shortcomings. First, it foresaw four long-range force particles—referred to as gauge bosons—whereas nature has but one: the photon. The other three have a short range, less than about 10–17 meter, less than 1 percent of the proton’s radius. According to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, this limited range implies that the force particles must have a mass approaching 100 billion electron volts (GeV). The second shortcoming is that the family symmetry does not permit masses for the quarks and leptons, yet these particles do have mass.

The way out of this unsatisfactory situation is to recognize that a symmetry of the laws of nature need not be reflected in the outcome of those laws. Physicists say that the symmetry is “broken.” The needed theoretical apparatus was worked out in the mid-1960s by physicists Peter Higgs, Robert Brout, François Englert and others. The inspiration came from a seemingly unrelated phenomenon: superconductivity, in which certain materials carry electric current with zero resistance at low temperatures. Although the laws of electromagnetism themselves are symmetrical, the behavior of electromagnetism within the superconducting material is not. A photon gains mass within a superconductor, thereby limiting the intrusion of magnetic fields into the material.

As it turns out, this phenomenon is a perfect prototype for the electroweak theory. If space is filled with a type of “superconductor” that affects the weak interaction rather than electromagnetism, it gives mass to the W and Z bosons and limits the range of the weak interactions. This super­conductor consists of particles called Higgs bosons. The quarks and leptons also acquire their mass through their interactions with the Higgs boson [see “The Higgs Boson,” by Martinus Veltman; Scientific American, November 1986]. By obtaining mass in this way, instead of possessing it intrinsically, these particles remain consistent with the symmetry requirements of the weak force.

The modern electroweak theory (with the Higgs) accounts very precisely for a broad range of experimental results. Indeed, the paradigm of quark and lepton constituents interacting by means of gauge bosons completely revised our conception of matter and pointed to the possibility that the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions meld into one when the particles are given very high energies. The electroweak theory is a stunning conceptual achievement, but it is still incomplete. It shows how the quarks and leptons might acquire masses but does not predict what those masses should be. The electroweak theory is similarly indefinite in regard to the mass of the Higgs boson itself: the existence of the particle is essential, but the theory does not predict its mass. Many of the outstanding problems of particle physics and cosmology are linked to the question of exactly how the electroweak symmetry is broken.

Where the Standard Model Tells Its Tale
Encouraged by a string of promising observations in the 1970s, theorists began to take the Standard Model seriously enough to begin to probe its limits. Toward the end of 1976 Benjamin W. Lee of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., Harry B. Thacker, now at the University of Virginia, and I devised a thought experiment to investigate how the electroweak forces would behave at very high energies. We imagined collisions among pairs of W, Z and Higgs bosons. The exercise might seem slightly fanciful because, at the time of our work, not one of these particles had been observed. But physicists have an obligation to test any theory by considering its implications as if all its elements were real.

What we noticed was a subtle interplay among the forces generated by these particles. Extended to very high energies, our calculations made sense only if the mass of the Higgs boson were not too large—the equivalent of less than one trillion electron volts, or 1 TeV. If the Higgs is lighter than 1 TeV, weak interactions remain feeble and the theory works reliably at all energies. If the Higgs is heavier than 1 TeV, the weak interactions strengthen near that energy scale and all manner of exotic particle processes ensue. Finding a condition of this kind is interesting because the electroweak theory does not directly predict the Higgs mass. This mass threshold means, among other things, that something new—either a Higgs boson or other novel phenomena—is to be found when the LHC turns the thought experiment into a real one.

Experiments may already have observed the behind-the-scenes influence of the Higgs. This effect is another consequence of the uncertainty principle, which implies that particles such as the Higgs can exist for moments too fleeting to be observed directly but long enough to leave a subtle mark on particle processes. The Large Electron Positron collider at CERN, the previous inhabitant of the tunnel now used by the LHC, detected the work of such an unseen hand. Comparison of precise measurements with theory strongly hints that the Higgs exists and has a mass less than about 192 GeV.

For the Higgs to weigh less than 1 TeV, as required, poses an interesting riddle. In quantum theory, quantities such as mass are not set once and for all but are modified by quantum effects. Just as the Higgs can exert a behind-the-scenes influence on other particles, other particles can do the same to the Higgs. Those particles come in a range of energies, and their net effect depends on where precisely the Standard Model gives way to a deeper theory. If the model holds all the way to 1015 GeV, where the strong and electroweak interactions appear to unify, particles with truly titanic energies act on the Higgs and give it a comparably high mass. Why, then, does the Higgs appear to have a mass of no more than 1 TeV?

This tension is known as the hierarchy problem. One resolution would be a precarious balance of additions and subtractions of large numbers, standing for the contending contributions of different particles. Physicists have learned to be suspicious of immensely precise cancellations that are not mandated by deeper principles. Accordingly, in common with many of my colleagues, I think it highly likely that both the Higgs boson and other new phenomena will be found with the LHC.

Theorists have explored many ways in which new phenomena could resolve the hierarchy problem. A leading contender known as supersymmetry supposes that every particle has an as yet unseen superpartner that differs in spin [see “Is Nature Supersymmetric?” by H. E. Haber and G. L. Kane; Scientific American, June 1986]. If nature were exactly supersymmetric, the masses of particles and superpartners would be identical, and their influences on the Higgs would cancel each other out exactly. In that case, though, physicists would have seen the superpartners by now. We have not, so if supersymmetry exists, it must be a broken symmetry. The net influence on the Higgs could still be acceptably small if superpartner masses were less than about 1 TeV, which would put them within the LHC’s reach.

Another option, called technicolor, supposes that the Higgs boson is not truly a fundamental particle but is built out of as yet unobserved constituents. (The term “technicolor” alludes to a generalization of the color charge that defines the strong force.) If so, the Higgs is not fundamental. Collisions at energies around 1 TeV (the energy associated with the force that binds together the Higgs) would allow us to look within it and thus reveal its composite nature. Like supersymmetry, technicolor implies that the LHC will set free a veritable menagerie of exotic particles.

A third, highly provocative idea is that the hierarchy problem will go away on closer examination, because space has additional dimensions beyond the three that we move around in. Extra dimensions might modify how the forces vary in strength with energy and eventually meld together. Then the melding—and the onset of new physics—might not happen at 1012 TeV but at a much lower energy related to the size of the extra dimensions, perhaps only a few TeV. If so, the LHC could offer a peek into those extra dimensions [see “The Universe’s Unseen Dimensions,” by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Savas Dimopoulos and Georgi Dvali; Scientific American, August 2000].

One more piece of evidence points to new phenomena on the TeV scale. The dark matter that makes up the bulk of the material content of the universe appears to be a novel type of particle [see “The Search for Dark Matter,” by David B. Cline; Scientific American, March 2003]. If this particle interacts with the strength of the weak force, then the big bang would have produced it in the requisite numbers as long as its mass lies between approximately 100 GeV and 1 TeV. Whatever resolves the hierarchy problem will probably suggest a candidate for the dark matter particle.

Revolutions on the Horizon
Opening the TeV scale to exploration means entering a new world of experimental physics. Making a thorough exploration of this world—where we will come to terms with electroweak symmetry breaking, the hierarchy problem and dark matter—is the top priority for accelerator experiments. The goals are well motivated and matched by our experimental tools, with the LHC succeeding the current workhorse, Fermilab’s Tevatron collider. The answers will not only be satisfying for particle physics, they will deepen our understanding of the everyday world.

But these expectations, high as they are, are still not the end of the story. The LHC could well find clues to the full unification of forces or indications that the particle masses follow a rational pattern. Any proposed interpretation of new particles will have consequences for rare decays of the particles we already know. It is very likely that lifting the electroweak veil will bring these problems into clearer relief, change the way we think about them and inspire future experimental thrusts.

Cecil Powell won the 1950 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering particles called pions—proposed in 1935 by physicist Hideki Yukawa to account for nuclear forces—by exposing highly sensitive photographic emulsions to cosmic rays on a high mountain. He later reminisced: “When [the emulsions] were recovered and developed in Bristol, it was immediately apparent that a whole new world had been revealed.... It was as if, suddenly, we had broken into a walled orchard, where protected trees had flourished and all kinds of exotic fruits had ripened in great profusion.” That is just how I imagine our first look at the TeV scale.

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