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Newborns Can Bond to a "Mother" from a Different Species

Often all you need to do is stick around to convince a baby animal that you are its mother

WHO'S YOUR MOMMA?: Lacking an appropriate mother figure, animals like ducks, pigs and even potentially humans can bond to a parent from an entirely different species.

If you saw Winged Migration or Fly Away Home, which delivered the first true bird's-eye views of the world, you may have wondered how they got those wild geese to wear tiny camcorders on their heads. In fact, the cameras were in ultralight aircraft, which the birds accompanied—by choice. The crafty filmmakers took advantage of one of Mother Nature's tricks called imprinting: If you had grown up thinking your mom was inside that noisy plane—or was that noisy plane—you'd have gladly tolerated it, too.

In the mid 1930s German ethologist Konrad Lorenz popularized filial imprinting, the process by which a newborn animal learns to recognize the unique characteristics of its parent, typically its mother. This phenomenon was termed imprinting (translated from the German word prägung) by Lorenz's mentor, Oskar Heinroth, who believed that the sensory stimulus encountered by the hatchling was immediately, and irreversibly, "stamped" onto the animal's brain. Lorenz demonstrated this with his famous goslings, which had spent their first hours of life with him and subsequently followed him everywhere; as adults they preferred the company of humans over fellow avians.

Lorenz's little geese are the most well-known example of cross-species imprinting, but it can occur between other species, too. Any animal born relatively independent—not entirely relying on a parent to provide food or protection, so-called precocial species—needs to be able to discriminate between its parents and other members of its (or other) species, lest they get lost or attacked. A gosling, or other precocial animal, accomplishes this with an instinct to approach and follow a moving target after birth as well as a vague preference for objects that have particular features, such as a head and neck. In the wild, this guides a gosling to favor its mother.

In the absence of an appropriate stimulus, however, practically any object can become a source of comfort to the newborn. After one to two hours of exposure to the target, a gosling will have formed a strong preference, avoiding novel objects and showing signs of distress when the "imprinted" object is removed.

No explicit reward, such as food or warmth, is needed. In fact, some research suggests that aspects of the object itself—its shape or movements, for example—may have the capacity to stimulate endogenous opioid (endorphin) production in a newborn's brain: hence, instant comfort.

"There have been a lot of questions about whether [precocial birds] actually do have a naive preference for their own species," explains Utrecht University zoologist Johan Bolhuis. "They probably don't."

This may be true for humans as well. Cognitive neuroscientist Mark Johnson of Birkbeck, University of London, who worked with Bolhuis on chick imprinting and now studies this phenomenon in human infants, found that within minutes of birth babies show a preference for facelike over nonfacelike stimuli. And, after visual exposure to their own mothers, newborns show a strong preference for their moms' faces, likely reinforced by the flurry of activity, including protein synthesis and changes in synaptic transmission, that occurs in the brain during imprinting, as shown by University of Cambridge neuroscientist Gabriel Horn.

Because recognizing and bonding with a parent are more dependent on exposure and learning than on a genetically programmed response, it's conceivable that any animal exposed exclusively to a member of a different species might happily call it mom—witness the children purportedly raised by wolves in India and the orphaned chipmunk adopted by Buffy the Chihuahua as well as a tiger in Thailand's Sriracha Tiger Zoo suckling piglets—after being suckled as a cub herself by, naturally, a pig. Without such a promiscuous capacity for trust, an infant whose mother abandoned it or died shortly after its birth would face certain doom if it were unable to swap preferences for an adoptive parent.

Despite its initial survival value, however, imprinting on something other than your kind can become problematic when you reach sexual maturity. Though it operates by different mechanisms, sexual imprinting—the process by which an animal learns to recognize an appropriate mate—is also strongly linked to early parental experience.

In 1976 there were about 100 whooping cranes (Grus americana), the tallest North American bird, left in the world. Conservationists tried to forestall their extinction by breeding cranes in captivity and reintroducing them into the wild, relying on one adult female to continue her rare genetic lineage. Hatched and hand-reared in the San Antonio Zoo, "Tex" wanted nothing to do with the handsome male whoopers she later met; she performed her elaborate mating dance solely for her human keepers. Only after George Archibald, one of the world's leading crane experts, literally moved in with Tex for several months, formed a pair-bond with her, and joined her repeatedly in the species-specific courting ritual, did she lay the first egg of her life at age 10.

Such sexual confusion also shows up in sheep and goats, which are, along with most ungulates, precocial species. When Keith Kendrick of the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, England, and his colleagues cross-fostered newborn kids and lambs with mothers from the other species, the infants formed strong bonds with their foster moms. The goats grew up thinking they were sheep, and vice versa.

And even though mammals are thought to exhibit more behavioral flexibility than geese, when two same-species siblings were raised together by a mother of the other species, the offspring's sexual preference in adulthood was for their foster mother's species. Further, males that had been cross-fostered preferred to mate with females of their moms' species even after living exclusively with their genetic species for three years.

Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether all parents (or foster parents) become "imprinted" on their infants' brains in a manner similar to that seen in precocial birds. In the meantime, try to avoid newly hatched chicks—unless you're ready to take on the responsibilities of motherhood. 


Widening the Window

Strategies to buy time in treating ischemic stroke


BLOCKED BLOOD: Brain images, such as this one made by a CT scan, can reveal tissue killed by an ischemic stroke (orange), thereby letting physicians know if there?s still time to treat a patient.

Nine years ago the Food and Drug Administration approved tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) as the first, and still only, drug for treating ischemic strokes, which are caused by blood clots in the brain that starve neurons of oxygen. Yet only 3 percent of stroke victims receive this clot-busting thrombolytic, largely because they enter the emergency room within three hours of the onset of symptoms. After that, tPA's effectiveness in reducing death and disability sinks, while the relative risk of dangerous hemorrhaging rises. Recently scientists have discovered ways that could extend tPA's window of time, at least for some patients, and have found alternatives that may be both effective and safe beyond three hours.

A key to a bigger tPA window was the realization among researchers that not all neurons deprived of oxygen died after three hours, as was previously assumed. Restoring blood flow can revive enough neurons to significantly improve recovery. The trick is figuring out which patients can still benefit from treatment.

From the beginning, doctors used CT scans to triage patients, separating the many with ischemic stroke, who are candidates for tPA, from the few with hemorrhaging stroke, who are not. (About 80 percent of all strokes are ischemic.) But the images could not show how much of the ischemic tissue was already dead and how much was still salvageable. "We were treating patients blindly," remarks Steven Warach of the National Institutes of Health's Stroke Center. "We didn't know what was going on in the brain."

Today's MRI scans can distinguish between dead and dying cells, and newer CT scans seem able to as well. "It's been a big advance," says Warach, who described MRI's diagnostic effectiveness in the March 2005 American Journal of Neuroradiology. "We can push the time window for tPA to eight hours." Selecting patients for treatment on the basis of a "tissue clock" rather than the "ticking clock" gives many more patients a chance for a fuller recovery. As important, MRI and CT imaging may also identify those at risk for bleeding if given thrombolytics, a concern that keeps some physicians from administering tPA even within three hours.

Simple, nondrug measures may keep endangered neurons alive until they can be rescued with tPA, says Aneesh B. Singhal of Massachusetts General Hospital, where a small pilot study gave participants high-flow oxygen through a face mask. "It buys time," explains Singhal, who co-authored the paper on it in the April 2005 Stroke. "We can delay the progression of ischemic stroke by several hours. Because oxygen therapy is readily available in ambulances and the ER, it could make logical combination therapy" with tPA.

Meanwhile potentially safer drugs have entered late-stage clinical testing. Desmoteplase, which derives from the saliva of a vampire bat, chews up the fibrin holding a clot in place just as tPA does, but it is more potent and selective. "Even at nine hours, patients had significant long-term clinical benefits, in terms of better recovery after 90 days," says Warach of phase II results. The drug recently entered phase III trials.

Another drug in phase III testing protects neurons by way of a different method. Cerovive (NXY-059) works by scavenging up free radicals that break down the blood-brain barrier and worsen stroke outcome. Preliminary results from a global trial, known as SAINT I, suggest the chemical reduces the amount of disability after a stroke.

Even with the good news, many patients will not qualify for these therapies, because they may still arrive too late or have contraindications. A therapy that encourages brain cells to step up their own repair mechanisms might be the best solution, but that is still a long way off. 

Oxygen Meant to Resuscitate May Damage Brain

Imaging study finds that pure oxygen feeds routinely administered to revive stroke victims and others may do more harm than good 

man oxygen mask

DILUTION MAY BE NECESSARY: Researchers performed a brain-imaging study that revealed feeds of pure oxygen, administered to resuscitate patients, may actually do harm to the brain.

A new study suggests that pumping pure oxygen into patients' noses and mouths during a stroke or other medical emergency may exacerbate rather than reduce potential brain damage.

Medical personnel routinely slap an oxygen mask on people struggling to breathe as well as on stroke victims left oxygen-deficient in some parts of their brains. Until recently, doctors believed this was the fastest and most effective way to deliver oxygen to needy lung or brain tissue.

But pure oxygen causes rapid breathing, meaning that as it is pumped into the lungs, more carbon dioxide is exhaled, "and that makes the blood vessels much smaller," says Ronald Harper, a neurobiology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and senior author of the study published today in PLoS Medicine. The shrunken vessels "cannot deliver as much blood—or the oxygen that's in the blood—to the brain" or the heart.

Harper and his colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to trace the effects of pure oxygen on the brains of 14 healthy children, ages eight to 15 years. In addition to constricting blood flow, administering pure oxygen caused some areas of the subjects' brains to go haywire: the hippocampus (buried deep in the midbrain), the insula (located in the brain's center), and the cingulate cortex, part of the its outermost surface. Harper says that these regions are generally linked to learning, memory and emotions, but also regulate pain, stress and blood pressure. In addition, he says, they signal the hypothalamus to kick into action. The hypothalamus is the brain's master gland, regulating everything from the body's temperature and heart rate to its internal clock (by serving as a link between the nervous system and various glands throughout the body).

"Those brain areas which influence the hypothalamus, when you give 100 percent oxygen, they turn on like crazy," Harper says. "They begin driving the hypothalamus very hard." The action triggers the gland to flood the blood with catecholamines: hormones (such as adrenaline and norepinephrine) and neurotransmitters, like dopamine, all of which feed into the pathway that controls contraction of the heart muscle. This chemical dump disrupts the heart rate, causing a reduction in blood flow and, hence, less oxygen being delivered to cells.

The good news: researchers discovered that the negative effects can be avoided if the oxygen is mixed with as little as 5 percent carbon dioxide before being administered. The combo neither triggered significant changes in any of the aforementioned brain regions nor disturbed the hypothalamus.

"The downsides of continuing to overlook the dangers of this [type of treatment] may [result in] a considerable amount of harm to patients," says researcher Joe Fisher, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, who in 2002 suggested that giving pure oxygen to patients poisoned by carbon monoxide might exacerbate rather than limit or reverse damage. "You would think it's like chicken soup to the soul," he says about the traditional wisdom of administering oxygen. "[But], we saw a mechanism that could lead to additional damage."

Based on the brain-imaging findings, "It's hard to imagine a situation where you would want to give oxygen without carbon dioxide," says the study's lead author, Paul Macey, an assistant neurobiology researcher at U.C.L.A. Harper adds that concentrated feeds of room air, containing only 21 percent oxygen, have proved effective in resuscitating newborns who have trouble breathing and turn blue (from a lack of oxygen). "I think that any administration of high levels of oxygen should be reviewed," he cautions, "to determine whether it is necessary," given the dangers.

The march of the ants holds clues for humans

Americans spend a total of 3.7 billion hours a year in congested traffic. But you will never see ants stuck in gridlock.

Army ants, which Dr. Couzin has spent much time observing in Panama, are particularly good at moving in swarms. If they have to travel over a depression in the ground, they erect bridges so that they can proceed as quickly as possible.

"They build the bridges with their living bodies," said Dr. Couzin, a mathematical biologist at Princeton University and the University of Oxford. "They build them up if they're required, and they dissolve if they're not being used."

The reason may be that the ants have had a lot more time to adapt to living in big groups. "We haven't evolved in the societies we currently live in," Dr. Couzin said.

By studying army ants - as well as birds, fish, locusts and other swarming animals - Dr. Couzin and his colleagues are starting to discover simple rules that allow swarms to work so well. Those rules allow thousands of relatively simple animals to form a collective brain able to make decisions and move as if they were a single organism.

Deciphering those rules is a big challenge, however, because the behavior of swarms emerges unpredictably from the actions of thousands or millions of individuals.

"No matter how much you look at an individual army ant," Dr. Couzin said, "you will never get a sense that when you put 1.5 million of them together, they form these bridges and columns. You just cannot know that."

To get a sense of swarms, Dr. Couzin builds virtual models as computer programs. Each model contains thousands of individual agents, which he can program to follow a few simple rules. To decide what those rules ought to be, he and his colleagues head out to jungles, deserts or oceans to observe animals in action.

In the case of army ants, Dr. Couzin was intrigued by their highways. Army ants returning to their nest with food travel in a dense column. This incoming lane is flanked by two lanes of outgoing traffic. A three-lane highway of army ants can stretch for as far as 450 feet, or 140 meters, from the ant nest, comprising hundreds of thousands of insects.

What Dr. Couzin wanted to know was why army ants do not move to and from their colony in a mad, disorganized scramble. To find out, he built a computer model based on some basic ant biology. Each simulated ant laid down a chemical marker that attracted other ants while the marker was still fresh. Each ant could also sweep the air with its antennas; if it made contact with another ant, it turned away and slowed down to avoid a collision.

Dr. Couzin analyzed how the ants behaved when he tweaked their behavior. If the ants turned away too quickly from oncoming insects, they lost the scent of their trail. If they did not turn fast enough, they ground to a halt and forced ants behind them to slow down. Dr. Couzin found that a narrow range of behavior allowed ants to move as a group as quickly as possible.

It turned out that these optimal ants also spontaneously formed highways. If the ants going in one direction happened to become dense, their chemical trails attracted more ants headed the same way. This feedback caused the ants to form a single packed column. The ants going the other direction turned away from the oncoming traffic and formed flanking lanes.

To test this model, Dr. Couzin and Nigel Franks, an ant expert at the University of Bristol in England, filmed a trail of army ants in Panama. Back in England, they went through the film frame by frame, analyzing the movements of 226 ants.

Eventually they found that the real ants were moving in the way that Dr. Couzin had predicted would allow the entire swarm to go as fast as possible. They also found that the ants behaved differently if they were leaving the nest or heading back. When two ants encountered each other, the outgoing ant turned away further than the incoming one. As a result, the ants headed to the nest end up clustered in a central lane, while the outgoing ants form two outer lanes.

Dr. Couzin has been extending his model for ants to other animals that move in giant crowds, like fish and birds. And instead of tracking individual animals himself, he has developed programs to let computers do the work.

To study humans, Dr. Couzin teamed up with researchers at the University of Leeds. They recruited eight people at a time to play a game. Players stood in the middle of a circle, and along the edge of the circle were 16 cards, each labeled with a number. The scientists handed each person a slip of paper and instructed the players to follow the instructions printed on it while not saying anything to the others. Those rules correspond to the ones in Dr. Couzin's models. And just as in his models, each person had no idea what the others had been instructed to do.

In one version of the experiment, each person was instructed simply to stay with the group. As Dr. Couzin's model predicted, they tended to circle around in a doughnut-shaped flock. In another version, one person was instructed to head for a particular card at the edge of the circle without leaving the group. The players quickly formed little swarms with their leader at the head, moving together to the target.

The scientists then sowed discord by telling two or more people to move to opposite sides of the circle. The other people had to try to stay with the group even as leaders tried to pull it apart.

As Dr. Couzin's model predicted, the human swarm made a quick, unconscious decision about which way to go. People tended to follow the largest group of leaders, even if it contained only one additional person.

Dr. Couzin and his colleagues describe the results of these experiments in a paper to be published in the journal Animal Behavior.

Remnant of Yellowstone volcano rising: study

A big blob of molten rock appears to be pushing up remnants of an ancient volcano in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, scientists reported on Friday.

They say no volcanic explosion is imminent -- that already happened 642,000 years ago, creating the volcanic crater known as a caldera where part of Yellowstone Lake sits.

But satellite readings show just how volcanically active the area remains, the researchers reported in the journal Science.

From the middle of 2004 through 2006, the floor of the caldera rose 7 inches at a rate of 2.8 inches a year -- the biggest rise ever measured, they reported.

"There is no evidence of an imminent volcanic eruption or hydrothermal explosion. That's the bottom line," University of Utah seismologist Robert Smith said in a statement.

"A lot of calderas worldwide go up and down over decades without erupting."

Yellowstone is North America's largest volcanic field, produced by what is known as a hotspot, a plume of hot and molten rock squirting up from 400 miles beneath the planet's surface.

Monstrous eruptions took place there starting 2 million years ago but activity bubbles along much more calmly now -- akin to similar volcanic fields such as the Campi Flegrei just outside Naples in Italy.

Beneath the field lies what is known as a magma chamber, which is actually similar to a wet sponge in structure.

"Our best evidence is that the crustal magma chamber is filling with molten rock," Smith said. "But we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again."

Heat from the chamber warms the park's hundreds of hot springs and geysers, including "Old Faithful," perhaps the world's best-known geyser.

Established in 1872 as the first U.S. national park, Yellowstone also stretches to parts of Montana and Idaho.

The Old Faithful geyser is seen in Yellowstone National Park in a 2002 handout photo from the National Park Service. A big blob of molten rock appears to pushing up remnants of an ancient volcano in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, scientists reported on Friday. (NPS/Handout/Reuters)

The Old Faithful geyser is seen in Yellowstone National Park in a 2002 handout photo...
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