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Fact or Fiction?: A Cockroach Can Live without Its Head

A nuclear war may not trouble them, but does decapitation?

dead cockroach

NO HEAD EQUALS DEAD?: Not in the case of the cockroach, which can live for weeks on a prior meal and breathes through its body parts.

Cockroaches are infamous for their tenacity, and are often cited as the most likely survivors of a nuclear war. Some even claim that they can live without their heads. It turns out that these armchair exterminators (and their professional brethren) are right. Headless roaches are capable of living for weeks.

To understand why cockroaches—and many other insects—can survive decapitation, it helps to understand why humans cannot, explains physiologist and biochemist Joseph Kunkel at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who studies cockroach development. First off, decapitation in humans results in blood loss and a drop in blood pressure hampering transport of oxygen and nutrition to vital tissues. "You'd bleed to death," Kunkel notes.

In addition, humans breathe through their mouth or nose and the brain controls that critical function, so breathing would stop. Moreover, the human body cannot eat without the head, ensuring a swift death from starvation should it survive the other ill effects of head loss.

But cockroaches do not have blood pressure the way people do. "They don't have a huge network of blood vessels like that of humans, or tiny capillaries that you need a lot of pressure to flow blood through," Kunkel says. "They have an open circulatory system, which there's much less pressure in."

"After you cut their heads off, very often their necks would seal off just by clotting," he adds. "There's no uncontrolled bleeding."

The hardy vermin breathe through spiracles, or little holes in each body segment. Plus, the roach brain does not control this breathing and blood does not carry oxygen throughout the body. Rather, the spiracles pipe air directly to tissues through a set of tubes called tracheae.

Cockroaches are also poikilotherms, or cold-blooded, meaning they need much less food than humans do. "An insect can survive for weeks on a meal they had one day," Kunkel says. "As long as some predator doesn't eat them, they'll just stay quiet and sit around, unless they get infected by mold or bacteria or a virus. Then they're dead."

Entomologist Christopher Tipping at Delaware Valley College in Doylestown, Pa., has actually decapitated American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) "very carefully under microscopes," he notes. "We sealed the wound with dental wax, to prevent them from drying out. A couple lasted for several weeks in a jar."

Insects have clumps of ganglia—nerve tissue agglomerations—distributed within each body segment capable of performing the basic nervous functions responsible for reflexes, "so without the brain, the body can still function in terms of very simple reactions," Tipping says. "They could stand, react to touch and move."

And it is not just the body that can survive decapitation; the lonely head can thrive, too, waving its antennae back and forth for several hours until it runs out of steam, Kunkel says. If given nutrients and refrigerated, a roach head can last even longer.

Still, in roaches, "the body provides a huge amount of sensory information to the head and the brain cannot function normally when denied these inputs," explains neuroscientist Nick Strausfeld of the University of Arizona, who specializes in arthropod learning, memory and brain evolution. For instance, although cockroaches have a fantastic memory, "when we've tried to teach them when they had bits of them missing, it's hopeless. We have to keep their bodies completely intact."

Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads. Decapitating roaches deprives their bodies of hormones from glands in their heads that control maturation, helping researchers investigate metamorphosis and reproduction. And studies of bodiless roach heads shed light on how their neurons work. Plus, it provides just one more testament to the cockroach's enviable endurance. 


Primate Stem Cell Barrier Broken

Embryonic stem cells derived from adult primate cells suggest humans may get their turn yet

rhesus monkey 
THE RHESUS MONKEY has become the first primate to have adult cells cloned into embryonic stem cells.

Researchers report they have generated the first confirmed embryonic stem cells from an adult primate, suggesting that it may be only a matter of time (and eggs) before they perfect the same technique on humans.

Using a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), a team from Oregon Health & Science University (O.H.S.U.) in Portland implanted the contents of individual skin cells from adult male rhesus macaques into each of 304 macaque egg cells stripped of their genetic material. In two cases, according to the study, the hijacked eggs grew into early-stage embryos that yielded embryonic stem cell lines, indicating that the hosts successfully reprogrammed the skin cell DNA into an embryonic state.

The journal Nature published the findings online today, along with a separate genetic analysis corroborating the cloned nature of the cells.

"This unequivocally shows you can generate stem cells from primates, and we're primates," says stem cell biologist Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer of the Worcester, Mass., company Advanced Cell Technology, who was not involved in the research.

"It's a giant step toward showing that human therapeutic cloning is possible," he added, referring to the concept of creating stem cells matched to an individual's immune system to repair tissue damaged in spinal cord injuries and by diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Senior study author Shoukhrat Mitalipov calls the result a proof of concept. "I'm quite sure it will work in humans," he says, but notes that the process is still very inefficient. "Basically it comes [down] to how many eggs you would need to derive one embryonic stem cell line." (In this case, 152.)

Mitalipov says his goal is to engineer better primate models of human disease by cloning adult rhesus monkey cells that have been genetically altered to mimic neurological and other disorders that are otherwise difficult to study in living humans or other animals. He says that his team has yet to try to impregnate female monkeys with embryos derived using the new method.

A group from O.H.S.U. reported in 2000 that it had achieved a kind of primate cloning by splitting an eight-cell monkey embryo into four two-cell embryos, only one of which came to term. But researchers have struggled to clone nonhuman primates by SCNT, used in the 1997 cloning of Dolly the sheep.

After two earlier published attempts that led to early-stage embryos but not confirmed embryonic stem cells, Mitalipov and colleagues took steps to preserve a protein complex believed to help primate eggs restructure transplanted DNA, and employed a new imaging system to observe the egg's chromosomes directly instead of by staining them or using ultraviolet light, which might damage DNA.

The two newly reported cell lines developed into several types of tissue in culture dishes, including heart and brain, and when injected into mice generated teratomas (tumors made of the three embryonic tissue types). The cells had the genetic markers of clones, not of fertilized embryos or parthenotes, the latter of which derive only from the egg, according to the genetic analysis by researchers at Monash University in Australia.

Three teams of scientists reported earlier this year that they had directly reprogrammed adult mouse skin cells into embryonic cells, although the process involved viruses and cancer-causing genes.

In a commentary accompanying the new study, Dolly cloner Ian Wilmut and his co-worker Jane Taylor of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland wrote that "a modified approach to direct reprogramming…is likely to be the ultimate method of choice for producing human stem cells."

Lanza agrees but says that in the meantime SCNT remains a viable approach—although limited by the number of women willing to donate eggs to research.

Some scientists had proposed that SCNT might have hit a wall with primates, but Lanza says the new result shows that "primates are no different than other species. You just need to work out the unique biology and physiology." Meaning that humans could be next. 

Small planets forming in the Pleiades: astronomers

Small planets forming in the Pleiades: astronomers

Small planets forming in the Pleiades: astronomers An artist's rendering of what the environment around Pleiades star HD 23514 might look like as two planets collide. Small, rocky planets that could resemble the Earth or Mars may be forming around a star in the Pleiades star cluster, astronomers reported on Wednesday. REUTERS/ Gemini Observatory/Lynette R. Cook

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Small, rocky planets that could resemble the Earth or Mars may be forming around a star in the Pleiades star cluster, astronomers reported on Wednesday.

One of the stars in the cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, is surrounded by an extraordinary number of hot dust particles that could be the "building blocks of planets" said Inseok Song, a staff scientist at NASA's Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology.

"This is the first clear evidence for planet formation in the Pleiades, and the results we are presenting may well be the first observational evidence that terrestrial planets like those in our solar system are quite common," said Joseph Rhee of the University of California Los Angeles, who led the study.

There is "hundreds of thousands of times as much dust as around our sun," said Benjamin Zuckerman, a UCLA professor of physics and astronomy. "The dust must be the debris from a monster collision, a cosmic catastrophe."

The team used two telescopes to spot the dust, and report their findings in Astrophysical Journal.

Located about 400 light years away in the constellation of Taurus, the Pleiades is one of the best known star clusters and among the closest to Earth. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 5.8 trillion miles.

"The cluster actually contains some 1,400 stars," said Song.

Song said the dust can accumulate into comets and small asteroid-size bodies, and then clump together to form planetary embryos, and finally full-fledged planets.

"In the process of creating rocky, terrestrial planets, some objects collide and grow into planets, while others shatter into dust; we are seeing that dust," Song said.

"Our observations indicate that terrestrial planets similar to those in our solar system are probably quite common," Zuckerman added.

Researchers have observed about 200 planets around stars outside our solar system but none are as small as Earth and just one, spotted earlier this year, appears potentially capable of supporting life.

Naked Trees Dominated Early Forests

Analysis of 385-million year-old fossils from upstate New York paint picture of Earth's first trees 

early tree

LEAFLESS CROWN: A reconstruction of an ancient tree from one of Earth's first forests reveals that the plants were topped with fronds and not leaves.

The crown of a prehistoric tree found in a sandstone quarry in Gilboa, N.Y., has shed light on the look of the world's earliest forests believed to have thrived during the Devonian period between 360 million and 397 million years ago.

The 2004 discovery of this 380-million year-old, six-foot uppermost portion of an ancient tree trunk allowed paleobotanists to create a composite picture of the entire plant when they put it together with fragments of a trunk found a the same site a year later and with tree stumps recovered more than 130 years ago in another rock quarry 10 miles away. The remains have been widely touted as "evidence of the Earth's oldest forest," according to a report published in this week's Nature.

"The basic point of this paper is, well, two things," says lead author William Stein, a biologist at the Binghamton University in New York State. "We now have clear evidence what these stumps really were," part of the class Cladoxylopsida believed to be related to modern-day ferns, and we also have "real strong evidence of the morphology of these forms."

From the fossil reconstruction, the team of scientists determined that a tree comprising all these parts could grow about 30 feet tall. According to Stein, the base would have been massive—on the order of 2.5 feet in diameter—with a large, single trunk and longitudinal ridges (probably part of the tree's vascular system), topped by a leafless crown of a material resembling fronds on ferns and palms. These fronds apparently had a structure somewhat similar to fingers protruding from the palm of a hand, with multiple branches that split into thinner branchlets. These wispy appendages would have done the work of photosynthesis for the tree and also have borne the spores with which the plant reproduced.

The researchers, including Christopher Berry, a geoscientist from Cardiff University in Wales, and paleontologists from the New York State Museum were able to classify the tree crown into the genus Wattieza, Berry says, "because the very small leaflike appendages have distinctive characteristic recurved tips," meaning they flop back toward the trunk of the tree. Berry has studied other ancient specimens from this genus in Belgium and Venezuela. Stein says the team is "sticking with just the genus," as far as classification goes, because "we can't distinguish species from genera with the fragments we have."

By piecing together the fragments, the team was able to get an idea of what a forest ecosystem might have looked like 360 million years ago. Stein estimates these Wattieza trees would have been "fairly closely spaced," about three to 16 feet apart, and that they would have dropped a load of litter from their branches onto the forest floor. Amongst these trees were likely smaller plants and shrubs and, by the late Devonian, precursors of modern-day conifers called Archaeopteris, as well. Arthropods, which live on detritus, such as millipedes, centipedes and now-extinct spiderlike organisms, may have lived below these trees, which likely let more sunlight through than modern-day counterparts, because their branch structures did not fan out as far and were ascendant, forming a gobletlike shape.

In an editorial that accompanied the paper, Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud and Anne-Laure Decombeix, paleobotanists at the French Agricultural Research Center for International Development and the University of Montpellier in France, respectively, note that the Gilboa tree seemed to be constructed to optimize "mechanical stability and reproduction." In contrast to modern-day trees, which require more complex vascular systems to grow to more hulking sizes, they write: "The Gilboa tree represents an economical alternative where, beyond the necessary investment in spores to ensure reproduction, the products of photosynthesis were mainly devoted to vertical growth of the trunk."

Berry notes that the rise of forests with trees like the Gilboa caused the removal of carbon dioxide from the air and temperatures to drop, creating climates like those experienced today. The drop in carbon dioxide levels, he surmises, likely led to the evolution of flat leaves on trees to attract and retain more of the gas, which plants need for photosynthesis. Up next, he says: research will focus on "the internal structure of the plants to work out how they grew" as well as "how they functioned physiologically, particularly the relationship with atmospheric carbon dioxide." 

Methane-Guzzling Bacteria Thrive in Bubbling Mud Pots

Tiny bacteria hiding out in a witches' brew of bubbling mud not only thrive in the searing-hot slurry but also chow down on its methane.

Two papers published online this week in the journal Nature describe these mud-loving microbes, the hardiest bacteria identified to date. Found living in mud volcanoes and other geothermal hideouts, the bacteria feast on methane, considered the second most abundant greenhouse gas behind carbon dioxide. While carbon dioxide makes up the majority of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, methane traps about 20 times more heat and so is a critical global warmer.

And so in addition to expanding the conditions where one might find extremophiles, the discovies have implications for the global methane cycle. These specialized bacteria could help to suck up methane from the Earth's crust that would otherwise spew into the atmosphere.

Mud pits

The hellish temperature and pressure conditions beneath the Earth's surface can turn rock into goopy mud, which along with a soup of gases (including methane) and other chemicals, can stream gently (or eject violently) from surface vents called fumaroles. These "mud volcanoes" support a range of conditions, with some areas reaching temperatures of 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) and pH's close to that of battery acid.

Mike Jetten of Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands and his colleagues discovered a bacterium dubbed Acidimethylosilex fumarolicum in a fuming vent in the Solfatara volcanic area near Naples, Italy.

Lab experiments revealed A. fumarolicum could grow at a very acidic pH, as low as 0.8, and at a temperature of about 130 degrees F (55 degrees C), consuming methane for energy. (The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, from acidic to basic. Water has a neutral pH of 7; battery acid and hydrochloric acid have pH's below 1, and the pH of household bleach can reach about 12.5.)

The bacteria can use oxygen too, but their muddy habitat is nearly devoid of such luxuries, making for a stressful life.

"The only oxygen the bacteria get is from the bubbling of the volcano, which puts air into the liquid," Jetten told LiveScience. "They are always stressed for air, so they're always living under oxygen limitation. The ecosystems themselves are completely devoid of oxygen, so every molecule that enters is immediately consumed."

Another extreme-loving methane consumer was discovered at Hell's Gate (Tikitere) in New Zealand. Peter Dunfield of GNS Science, a New Zealand government-owned research organization, and his colleagues found that Methylokorus infernorum could thrive at a pH as low as 1.5 and temperatures of about 140 degrees F (60 degrees C).

Methane munchers

Both bacterial finds top the hardiest methane munchers identified to date. Until now, the lowest pH found to support "methanothrophs" was in peat bogs, where bacteria thrived down to a pH of about 4.

How exactly the bacteria are able to withstand the harsh habitats while consuming methane is still a bit of a mystery. Genetics do play a role. The research teams analyzed the genomes for the two bacterial species, finding some novel systems that likely allow the methane-consuming microbes to thrive in harsh conditions.

"The new bacterium has a completely new repertoire of genetic elements to do this job," Jetten said of A. fumarolicum. "And it's also quite different from the known methane-oxidizing bacteria." 

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